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Converts a list object into a data.frame


list2df(x, name = "name", value = "value", show_NA, warn = TRUE)



A (preferably) named list with any number of values

name, value

Names of the new key and value columns, respectively


Ignored; if set will trigger a warning


Logical; if TRUE will show a warning when


a data.frame object with columns "name" and "value" for the names of the list and the values in each


Unlike base::list2DF(), list2df() tries to format the data.frame by using the names of the list as values rather than variables. This creates a longer form list that may be more tidy.


x <- list(a = 1, b = 2:4, c = letters[10:20], "unnamed", "unnamed2")
list2df(x, "col1", "col2", warn = FALSE)
#>    col1     col2
#> 1     a        1
#> 2     b        2
#> 3     b        3
#> 4     b        4
#> 5     c        j
#> 6     c        k
#> 7     c        l
#> 8     c        m
#> 9     c        n
#> 10    c        o
#> 11    c        p
#> 12    c        q
#> 13    c        r
#> 14    c        s
#> 15    c        t
#> 16    4  unnamed
#> 17    5 unnamed2

if (getRversion() >= as.package_version('4.0')) {
# contrast with `base::list2DF()` and ``
  x <- list(a = 1:3, b = 2:4, c = letters[10:12])
  list2df(x, warn = FALSE)
#>   a b c
#> 1 1 2 j
#> 2 2 3 k
#> 3 3 4 l