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Copies one of two git message preparation templates


  path = ".",
  method = c("github", "jira", "github-start", "github-end", "jira-start", "jira-end"),
  overwrite = FALSE



The path directory of your package (with a .git folder inside)


One of the following (see details for more info): github, jira, github-start, github-end, jira-start, jira-end. The github versions looks for numeric starts to a branch name, and then either appends the branch number to the beginning of the message with an octothorp (e.g., 123-branch appends "#123 ") or at the end, wrapped in parenthesis. The jira version looks for the alphanumeric code value of a ticket and appends that with square brackets (e.g., ABC-123 appends "[ABC-123] ") to the start or the end. Appending to the end is the default functionality got github but appending to the start is the default for jira.


If TRUE, overwrites the .git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg file, if it exists (passed to fs::file_copy)