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.OpenFile() .FileOpen()
Open (as) File
.Reload() .Restart()
.Rprofile() .FindRprofile()
Get .Rprofile
.SendAttachedPackagesToREnviron() .RemoveAttachedPackages() .AddAttachedPackagesToDefaultPackages()
Manage attached packages
Add options
Attach devtools
Character index
Check Cran Status
Git branch prompt
Git prepare commit message
Create a GitHub Release
Global handle
Lint a single file
Add URLs to NEWS
Adds a nice message to the start
Open package url
Wrapper for {pak::pak}
Read the clipboard
Remove all objects
Reset options
Jordan's Rprofile options
Search print
Spell check a file
Create a personal package library
Utility messages
Finds where tag is in file and removes the line and the line after Assumes that the 'tag' is from this package and starts with '@jordan_' setting "tag" to NULL will remove any instances
.Todos() .Fixmes() .TodosHere() .FixmesHere()