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Simple verbose condition handling


  .fill = getOption("fuj.verbose.fill"),
  .label = getOption("fuj.verbose.label"),
  .verbose = getOption("fuj.verbose", getOption("verbose"))




A message to display. When ... is NULL (and only NULL), no message will display.


When TRUE, each new line will be prefixed with the verbose label (controlled through options("fuj.verbose.fill"))


A label to prefix the message with (controlled through options("fuj.verbose.label"))


When TRUE (or is a function when returns TRUE) prints out the message.


An option to use in lieu of fun.verbose. Note: options("fuj.verbose") is temporarily set to isTRUE(getOption(opt)) when the function is evaluate, but is reset to its original value on exit.


None, called for its side-effects. When conditions are met, will signal a verboseMessage condition.


verbose() can be safely placed in scripts to signal additional message conditions. verbose() can be controlled with options("verbose") (the default) and an override, options("fuj.verbose"). The latter can be set to a function whose result will be used for conditional evaluation.

make_verbose() allows for the creation of a custom verbose function.


op <- options(verbose = FALSE)
verbose("will not show")

options(verbose = TRUE)
verbose("message printed")
#> verbose: message printed
verbose("multiple lines ", "will be ", "combined")
#> verbose: multiple lines will be combined

op <- options(fuj.verbose = function() TRUE)
verbose("function will evaluate")
#> verbose: function will evaluate
verbose(NULL) # nothing
verbose(NULL, "something")
#> verbose: something
verbose(if (FALSE) {
"`if` returns `NULL` when not `TRUE`, which makes for additional control"

# make your own verbose
verb <- make_verbose("")
verb("will not show")
options( = TRUE)
verb("will show")
#> verbose: will show