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fuj (development version)

  • require_namespace() now produces a more reasonable error when specifying a version #63
  • adds yes_no() prompting #64
  • adds internal package() utility as the default for new_condition(pkg = package()) #67
  • new_condition() now allows type = "message" #74
  • workflows updated
  • quick_df(list()) now works #72

fuj 0.2.1

CRAN release: 2024-05-20


  • lst() again works with NA_character_ #60

fuj 0.2.0

CRAN release: 2024-05-07


  • %wi% no longer drops duplicated in x #44
  • list0() now works better with some edge cases #55

New features

  • fp() added for creating file path objects with is_path() as a means of checking for the class; file_path() and is_file_path() exported as aliases, respectively #55
  • include() added as a means of partially attaching a package with specific exports #49
  • op.fuj, a named list of default options for fuj is now exported
  • multiple improvements for verbose() #50
    • verbose() has additional options for controlling the message output #36
      • .label can be set to a string to prepend to the message (defaults to "[verbose]")
      • .fill can be set to repeat .label on each line of the message (defaults to FALSE)
      • .verbose can be set to TRUE to print the message rather than relying on options()
    • verbose() prints prepended with "verbose " instead of "[verbose] " #42
    • make_verbose() is included to create a verbose function that will be triggered with a configured option, rather than the default getOption("fuj.verbose", getOption("verbose")) pattern. This can be used to define your own custom verbose function:
  • lst() exported as an alias for list0()
options(fuj.verbose = FALSE)
verbose("will not show")

options(my.verbose = TRUE)
my_verbose <- make_verbose("my.verbose")
my_verbose("will show")
#> [verbose] will show


  • %||% is now copied from {base} when available (R versions >= 4.4) #35
  • additional local testing for os version
  • covr dropped as a suggest dependency
  • require_namespace() now allows for version requirements (e.g., require_namespace("fuj>=0.1.4")). When the version requirement is not met, an error of class namespaceVersionError is returned #41
  • simpleErrors converted to custom errors #43

fuj 0.1.4

CRAN release: 2023-10-22

  • adds %::% and %:::% (which now aliases %colons$) or retrieving exported and non-exported values from namespaces #31
  • adds verbose() for conditional message printing #29
  • GitHub workflow added to maintain version bumps on merge jmbarbone/actions/r-check-version

fuj 0.1.3

CRAN release: 2023-05-22

fuj 0.1.2

CRAN release: 2023-03-06

  • new_condition() gains a pkg argument to control for prepending a package name to the condition call. The default value of TRUE will try to find the .packageName object from your package. Change the default setting of pkg to prevent this addition. #12
  • require_namespace() can now accept multiple namespaces. The first namespace not found will throw an error #14
  • list0() now correctly throws valid errors #19
  • typo fixed in README #20

fuj 0.1.1

CRAN release: 2022-11-18

  • subset2 is now exported as an alias of [[ and subset3 is added as an alias of $ #3
  • improved documentation for aliases #3
  • improved test coverage – no longer skipping any functions #7

fuj 0.1.0

CRAN release: 2022-11-01

  • First release
  • Added a file to track changes to the package.