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The goal of scribe is to provide a detailed argument parser for Rscript. This package contains no dependencies outside of base and methods. The core functions utilize ReferenceClasses under the hood.

Install scribe from CRAN with:

Alternatively, you can install the development version of scribe GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

You can enter command arguments as a vector to test out the behavior. Arguments can be added to the scribeCommandArgs class (here as ca). Default behavior tries to parse objects but additional control can be taken.

ca <- command_args(c("-a", "1", "-b", "2"))
args <- ca$parse()

str(args$a + args$b)
#>  int 3


# don't convert numbers
ca <- command_args(c("-a", "1", "-b", "1.0"))
ca$add_argument("-a", convert = as.character)
ca$add_argument("-b", convert = as.character)
#> $a
#> [1] "1"
#> $b
#> [1] "1.0"

# convert numbers to integers
ca <- command_args(c("verbose", "1", "1.5", "1.9"))
ca$add_argument("verbose", action = "flag")
ca$add_argument("...", convert = as.integer)
#> $verbose
#> [1] TRUE
#> $...
#> integer(0)

# use functions for more control
ca <- command_args(c("verbose", "12-9-2022", "12-10-2022"))
ca$add_argument("verbose", action = "flag")
ca$add_argument("...", convert = function(i) as.Date(i, "%m-%d-%Y"))
#> $verbose
#> [1] TRUE
#> $...
#> Date of length 0

You’ll probably use scribe within small scripts that can be called from your favorite terminal. The example below uses a function to call this file, but if it is added to your PATH you’d be able to call it directly:

r-file -a 1 -b 9
lines <- "
#! /usr/bin/env -S Rscript --vanilla 

ca <- scribe::command_args()
ca$add_argument('-a', default = 1)
ca$add_argument('-b', default = 2)
args <- ca$parse()

foo <- function(a, b, ...) {
  a + b
}, args)

file <- tempfile()
writeLines(lines, file)

rscript <- function(x, args = character()) {
  args <- c("--vanilla", x, args)
  res <- system2("Rscript", args, stdout = TRUE)

#> [1] 3
rscript(file, "-a 0")
#> [1] 2
rscript(file, "-a 0 -b 10")
#> [1] 10


I’ve been using scribe for some personal scripts. Below is a short list of some examples (mostly in my jmb repo):

Other packages

This isn’t the first package. Most contain other dependencies, some even in different languages (e.g., python).